There are fraudulent sellers of our products on Amazon.
We are the only manufacturer and seller of MOCU products.
If you purchase from another site, please be sure that the SELLER is MOCU or Get Chia.
Thank you for your continued support of our small business!
Hottest Items
The Purest & Cleanest Hemp Hearts on the Market
Our hemp hearts (on the right) are approximately only 5% or less of greens giving our hearts a clean nutty taste, versus the average on the market of 25% greens (on the left). You can see and taste the difference!
We work with USA Grown Hemp Seed Farmers and hull our seeds in-house for the freshest hearts that are packaged daily.
Contact Us
191 University Blvd #986
Denver, CO 80206
(303) 590-1640
Monday - Friday
9am - 4pm (MDT/MST)